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EP1: Show Notes

My name is Alexa Young

In our first ever recorded conversation we sit down to talk about a topic that is dear to our hearts: creativity. While the definition of this word is multi-faceted we both agree being creative is part of the human journey and imperative to our growth at human beings. Creativity helps us be able to experience joy and to bring joy to the world.

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Take away from the episode:

  • Find and do things in life that “spark” your interest.

  • Find something you love to do that is making this world a better place.

  • Find your big dream and figure out a way to achieve it.

  • Take action on your dreams and desires without fixating on the outcome.

  • The unknown is scary, but invigorating.

  • Learn to listen and trust to your intuition with the help of a daily meditation.

  • Work at refining different skill sets and continue to grow and improve.

  • Face your fears.


Stages to achieving the big dream:


  1. Find what fuel your fire. Finding your purpose and passion takes time, experience and research. Get a clear picture of what you want.

  2. Releasing into the world. “Sleep on it.”

  3. Why? Classic “aha” moment. Universe answering your prayer and sends     answers to your questions. Are you staying alert enough and aware enough to see the messages from the universe, the signs.

  4. Feedback stage. Creativity doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Get our there and talk to people you respect and love and who respect and love you back about your big idea, your big dream. They will guide you and inspire you with their suggestions.

  5. Action stage. Once you have clarity of vision you can confidently take action. And watch the magic happen.   Because you are already clear on what you want the universe sends to you all the things to help your vision materialize. 

  6. If its imperative that you go through all these stages. You cannot skip a stage. If your passion or desire dies you won’t have the fuel to go through all the stages and finish them. If that happens maybe you didn’t desire your vision strongly enough. Or it can lead you to another passion that’s even bigger and brighter. Stay focused on final picture, the dream. If you lose focus the dream and the flame dies. If you stop and switch gears, energy will die. One thing, one step at a time.


Rituals that foster creativity:

  • Tap into your inner kid – do something fun everyday that allows you to experience your inner child and joy.

  • Take a quiet moment to reflect on what is going on inside you and connect to your intuition.

  • Quiet time could be a “moving meditation” like walking, dancing, yoga or biking.

  • Quiet time could be a calming guided mediation with the help of excellent apps like Insight timer, Calm, Daily Om, Gaia or Head Space. Build a daily ritual out of meditating, do it consistently to build an inner sense of presence, peace and awareness.

  • Try something new every week to get used to being uncomfortable and build your resilience. Experience being alive.


As creative women we find the following list of books, classes and people incredibly inspiring and empowering. Start your journey to harnessing your creative powers by embracing these amazing resources.


“Redefining Feminism” a Master Class lead by Gloria Steinem with Tina Tchen, Adrienne Marie Brown, Amanda Nguen. Learn about the obstacles women have faced and continue to face in this world. It’s important to know where we have come from to pave a clear picture of the future we want to creative as mothers, wives and sisters.



The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron

Coming Home: The Return to True Self by Martia Nelson

The Power is Within You by Louise Hay

The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle

The New Earth by Ehkart Tolle

Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke

The Creative Habit: Learn it and Use It for Life by Twyla Tharp

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

The Secrets to Becoming a Boss Bitch with a Heart of Gold by Ingrid J. Monday

*When clicking on any book listed above you will be redirected to Amazon where you will be able to purchase the book, allowing the podcast and the hosts to earn an affiliation fee.  

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